Friday, October 17, 2008

First Books Fundraiser Information

I received this in my inbox today. What a GREAT organization! If you are interested in donating, please visit their site at:

In the four years I've worked at First Book, I have had the privilege to work with a number of extraordinary volunteers and educators. Their stories, revealing the extraordinary obstacles so many children face every day, continue to amaze me.
Jennifer, a teacher in Washington , DC , told me that, before her school knew of First Book, her students had such limited access to books that she often bought books for them out of her own pocket. For her there was no question: books were the single most important educational resource and would not have been available to them otherwise.
I know there are thousands of you who feel the way Jennifer does. We created “Books for Kids, Books for Keeps” to make it easy for anyone who shares our belief in the value of books to invite friends and family to raise funds for First Book.
Every $10 raised provides four new books directly to a child in need. On the site, you can mobilize friends and family to support a cause we all care deeply about.
Will you start a team today to help get more books to kids who need them?
Jennifer did. Here’s why:
“Today I work in a new school that is blessed with resources. But I have never forgotten my former students and the impact receiving their first books had on them. I started a ‘Books for Kids, Books for Keeps’ team to say ‘thank you’ to First Book on behalf of all my former students. Remembering their excitement makes it easy to pay it forward and give to others.”
There are millions of children out there still waiting for us. Even the smallest action can make an extraordinary difference. Join us by launching a team or making a donation now:
With sincere thanks,

Anna WilliamsonDirector, Community Development
P.S. Recently, we received the following thank you from Dorian, a First Book child. It may be my new favorite: “Thank you for the book you gave me. I will read it every day. I will keep it clean.”


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