Friday, October 10, 2008

Nannypalooza '08

Friday, October 3rd kicked off the 3rd annual Nannypalooza Conference in Philadelphia, PA. This year was yet... another success! This years day and a half conference included over 16 workshops to choose from, three meals, a goodie bag and a chance to meet/greet/network with other nannies from around the world.

Friday evening began with a quaint networking event in the Hilton restaurant. This time allowed for new and past attendee's to get acquainted with each other before the conference. Dinner was also followed by a short "cocktail hour" which provided for additional conversation between the nannies.

Let me tell you. It's amazing to walk into a room filled with women who have the same job as you and understand exactly what you go through every day. Most importantly... they all have the same passion as you! It's surreal!

Saturday morning; bright and early!; began Nannypalooza Day 1. At 8am, I registered myself for the conference and headed to the "Nanny Support Group Leader" Workshop. I was welcomed with "Cowabunga!" and joined together with other group leaders from around the world. We discussed how to promote our organizations and things to do to bring nannies into the group.

At 9:15am, I proceeded to the "Island Room" (aka: Grand Hall) to gather with the other 125 nannies who registered for this amazing weekend of "nannyhood".

The conference officially commenced at 10am on Saturday morning. The next day and a half was filled with 6 workshops. There were over 16 to choose from! I attended Baby Sign Language, How to promote your website, Personality Types/Dealing with Difficult People, Care for the Caregiver, Special Needs and Auxillary Services.

During lunch on Saturday we had round-table discussions. Basicly, this consisted of 6 women sitting around the table discussing topics (drawn from a chinese takeout box) while eating lunch. It was really interesting to hear others views.

Saturday evening allowed for yet another "Meet and Greet" in the "Don Ho Room". :) Can you tell that the theme this year was "Luau"? :)

Sunday allowed for two more workshops and a closing ceremony.

I was sad to say good-bye to all the wonderful nannies that I met this year at Nannypalooza. I look forward to returning to Philly again next year. Or... where ever Nannypalooza may go. "Palooz Booze Cruise"?! :) We'll just have to wait and see.


Sue October 11, 2008 at 8:15 AM  

I am looking for the cruise sponsor! So don't you worry! It was nice to have all the Florida nannies come and join the fun!

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